About king post retaining walls
King post retaining walls are ideal for housing projects as well as industrial and commercial use.
King post retaining walls are very economical because they do not require a lot of excavation work and they are relatively slim as far as retaining walls go.
In simple terms, a king post retaining wall is a structural fence that holds back earth. The design principle is a cantilever post and the post is normally a steel column encased in concrete or driven into the ground. The type of soil will determine the depth required for the posts.
Once the king post retaining wall has been designed, the installation can be carried out by a specialist contractor or by hiring in the plant and using a local contractor.
Steel king posts
The steel post sections can be hot dipped galvanised to prevent corrosion. Galvanising offers a modern style wall boasting a lifespan of 40-60 years.
When the post is being encased in concrete no protection is required. The posts can be painted above ground to prevent corrosion. We recommend a resin-based paint system to give a longer lifespan.
How to Install a King Post Wall?
King Post Wall panels are inserted into steel H Beams also known as girders or universal bearing piles.
The H Beams support steel panels, concrete panels, trench box panels, timber sleepers or beams.
The H-beams remain or are extracted upon completion of the contract.